Page 59 - Kickin Up Dust - Australia
P. 59

Photo by Erin Brouff  Abigail + Lauren
 Warren, NSW  Abigail + Lauren started up in 2019 as an Instagram account for creative, Lauren Weeks, to share her   FEATURE
          embroidery pieces with the world. As a self taught creative, Lauren spent long periods of time perfect
          various crafts and skills and her latest interest was embroidery; Abigail is her rescue cat that has been her
          companion for nearly 12 years.

          After a suggestion from a friend, Lauren took her   But what makes what she does so special?
          embroidery needle to the side panel of her old
          Blundstone Boots to give them a little face lift. As   Much of her work is inspired by the natural landscape
          she shared this photo on her Instagram account, a   and flora of her island home,
          friend picked up on it and was eager to have hers   lutruwita / Tasmania. Her work is also inspired by
          done too. This first commission was paid for in   the rich landscape and flora of the country that us as
          locally made Kombucha and soy chocolate mousse   Australians love so much.
          from the farmers market.
         “ Coming from a small city, word quickly         What makes her work special is the opportunity to
                                                          have a small moment, a memory or a much loved
             spread, and Abigail + Lauren quickly         image immortalised as wearable art.
               took off around the Hobart area.        “
                                                          The last 2 years have enabled Lauren to build a
                                                          thriving and successful business and she is looking
          Fast forward 2 years and Lauren has created a
          worldwide phenomenon! She has partnered up with   forward to continuing to grow this in 2022.
          one of the most iconic shoe brands and has a fast
          growing following, many of whom are eager to have                                 Lauren Weeks
          work done by her.                                                    Socials - @abigail.and.lauren


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