Page 17 - Central Savannah River Area - Seniors Resource Directory
P. 17
1 One of Georgia’s Finest 1
Mary Georgia Mohr, a pioneer in the state’s began providing family and group home residential
senior care industry for 40 years, is being named care for adults.
the 2019 Distinguished Older Georgian. “Back then, people had no choices, and nursing
Mohr, 80, was presented the award by the homes were like the caboose not the engine of
Georgia Council on Aging for her work in helping elder care,” said Mohr. “A nursing home was a
to develop the state’s good place to be if you
model of aging services, needed to be there, but
especially the intimate, I wanted to give people a
family-like care homes for choice.”
adults who can no longer Mohr has been a leader
live independently. in the development of
Mohr was honored Feb. Georgia’s home and
7 at a ceremony and community-based services
luncheon. The events are (HCBS). She’s worked
part of GCOA and the closely through the years
Coalition of Advocates for with state policy-makers to
Georgia’s Elderly (CO-AGE) develop the framework and
Senior Week activities at regulations for a Medicaid
the state Capitol. waiver program that allows
“Mary Georgia is respected the elderly and disabled to
across the South and the live independently.
nation for her expertise She also has been a voice at
in personal care homes the state Capitol, advocating
and services for seniors. for improved elder care and
She’s been a key advocate fair reimbursement rates for
for securing funding for aging services for more providers.
than 30 years,” said Jeanette Cummings, director “Her tenacity has been one of her driving forces,”
for the Area Agency on Aging for the Central Cummings said. “She’s respected among elected
Savannah River area. officials, providers and consumers.”
Cummings nominated Mohr, whom she In 1990, Mohr formed the Georgia Association
considers her mentor, for the award. of Community Care Providers and was also one
As a registered nurse, Mohr served as director of the founding members in the organization.
of nursing at a skilled nursing home during the Mohr also has served in leadership roles with the
1970s and early 1980s. During that time, she National Association of Residential Care.
realized many of the elderly residents placed in Now retired, Mohr remains active in senior care.
the institutional setting didn’t need that level of
care. She envisioned them thriving better in a
home setting with attentive caregivers who could
assist them with daily activities.
With alternatives to nursing home placement
still in its infancy in Georgia, Mohr and a business
partner formed CSRA Health Services, Inc., and
Mary Georgia Mohr, A Pioneer in the Senior Care Industry 15