Page 34 - Central Savannah River Area - Seniors Resource Directory
P. 34


              for Caregivers

        If you are providing care for someone else on an occasional, part-time, or full-time basis,
        you may need a little support yourself.
        Many children of older parents underestimate the number of extra chores they are taking on
        to “help Mom out” or to “take care of Dad.” Miscalculating the investment can also mean
        misjudging the toll on their own lives.

        PROTECT YOUR EMOTIONAL HEALTH                     •  Stay active – Exercise offers excellent mental
        •  Take “me” time – If this means asking someone     and physical benefits, plus it reduces your
           else to watch your loved one for a few hours,     chance of chronic illness and disease.
           then ask. You may need to look into local adult   •  Look after yourself – Don’t postpone your
           day care programs or respite care programs        own medical needs. Stay in bed if you need
           through your local hospice or other organization.   to. Make regular doctor/dentist appointments
           Get out and do something fun regularly—and        for yourself.
           without guilt!                                 •  Get adequate rest – Sleep deprivation has
        •  Don’t isolate yourself – Maintain your family     been proven to trigger numerous physical
           and social relationships. You may have to adjust   and mental ailments. Caregiving can interrupt
           how and where you meet, and how often, but        sleep, so rest whenever you are able. If your
           don’t sacrifice your own life for someone else’s.   charge is taking a nap, you should too!
           Doing so will only encourage a sense of stress
           and resentment.                                After all, when flying on an airplane, you are
                                                          always told that, in case of an emergency, you
        •  Find a support group – Look for local support   should put on your air mask BEFORE assisting
           groups for caregivers, or join one online. You   others. Why? If you don’t take care of yourself
           need to be able to talk to people who know what   first, you won’t be able to care for anyone else.
           your challenges are—and can offer suggestions!  The same holds true for every caregiver.
        •  Reduce your stress – If you have a relaxing
           hobby, pursue it. If you haven’t tried meditation
           or yoga, now might be the time to give it a shot.
           Even regular stretching or breathing exercises can
           help reduce stress.
                                                          You can count on an SRES  to guide you through
        PRIORITIZE YOUR OWN SELF-CARE                     the process of buying or selling your home, making
        •  Eat properly – Nourish your body to prevent    the transaction less stressful and more successful.
           illness and physical stress. Recognize that
           grabbing a quick bite of fast food on a regular
           basis will eventually damage your health.

            The Seniors Real Estate Specialist  (SRES ) designation is awarded by the
            SRES  Council, a subsidiary of the National Association of REALTORS  (NAR).
            To learn more about SRES  and access various consumer resources,
            please visit
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