Page 35 - Beaufort County Military and Veterans Resource Guide
P. 35

                               BEAUF          ORT MEM
              Collins Birthing Center

                                                                            Major renovations were made to the
              By Marie McAden                                            center’s 12 private postpartum rooms.
                                                                         Spacious yet cozy, each room now
             iving birth can be difficult under                          features a pleasing mural of a
             the best of circumstances. When                             Lowcountry scene, new furnishings,
       Gyour husband is deployed over-                                   remodeled bathrooms and adjustable
       seas or your family lives far away, it can                        bedside lighting.
       be especially trying.                                                “The rooms are warm and inviting
          As the wife of a former U.S. Army                              with better accommodations for the
       JAG officer, Beaufort Memorial Hospital                           spouse or primary support person,”
       (BMH) birthing center nurse Amy Geier                             said Birthing Center Director Tiffany
       understands the trepidation often                                 Washington.
       experienced by military spouses.                                     Services also were upgraded and now
          “I try to do whatever I can to make                            include bedside prescription delivery and
       them feel comfortable,” said Geier, who                           a 24/7 Warm Line offering advice from
       has worked in the BMH birthing center   Beaufort Memorial is the only hospital in the   birthing center nurses on breastfeeding,
                                         area with a Level II nursery, caring for babies
       for 15 years. “They can bring their own   born as early as 32 weeks.  newborn care and postpartum issues.
       music or blanket from home and Skype                                 BMH is also the only hospital in
       or FaceTime with family.”                                         Beaufort, Hampton and Jasper counties
          That kind of compassion and caring                             to feature a Level II nursery able to care
       makes Beaufort Memorial an extraordi-                             for babies born as early as 32 weeks.
       nary place to have a baby.                                        In addition, in-house anesthesia and
          “There’s an incredible feeling of                              pediatric services are available 24/7
       intimacy here,” said BMH Chief of                                 along with respiratory and physical
       Obstetrics Dr. Gregory Miller. “You’re                            therapists as needed.
       not a number or a name – you’re one of                               But the birthing center’s biggest asset
       our neighbors. We live here, we know                              –the health care professionals who care
       our patients and we care about them.”                             for mother and baby – is anything but new.
          Since its first birth more than 75                             Along with seven board certified OB-
       years ago, the hospital has welcomed                              GYN providers and three onsite pediatric
       thousands of babies into the world,                               hospitalists, the staff includes a team of
       providing Lowcountry mothers with   A caring and compassionate staff is one of   nurses on every shift boasting more than
       comprehensive prenatal and postpartum   the reasons that Beaufort Memorial is an   100 years of obstetrical experience.
                                         extraordinary place to have a baby.
       care close to home. Two years ago, BMH
       completed a $6 million renovation of
       its Collins Birthing Center, making the   For more information about the Beaufort Memorial Collins Birthing Center,
       birthing experience even better.  please visit
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