Page 12 - Central Savannah River Area - Seniors Resource Directory
P. 12
TEAS: Taking
Elder Abuse
The purposes of TEAS are to:
The purposes of TEAS are to:
• Collaborate with law enforcement, elder rights programs and partners
• Collaborate with designated representatives of each individual elder rights program
• Include other community partners to prevent and address threats to elder rights
• Include other community partners to prevent and address threats to elder rights
• Discuss issues that weaken, threaten or potentially eliminate elder rights
• Discuss issues they are seeing that weaken, threaten or potentially eliminate elder
• Identify potential cross cutting issues to address
• Plan CSRA Annual Elder Rights Conference
• Identify potential cross cutting issues that teams choose to address
• Plan annual Elder Rights Conference
• Represent older people and individuals with disabilities on advisory boards,
• Represent older people and people with disabilities on advisory boards, public
public hearings, public policies and identified regional priorities
hearings, public policies and identified regional priorities
• Collaborate with law enforcement, regulatory agencies, elected officials,
• Collaborate with law enforcement, regulatory agencies, elected officials, judicial staff
judicial staff and mandatory reporters to address abuse, neglect, and exploitation
and mandatory reporters to address abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
• Provide on-going community education and awareness to prevent and address
• Provide on-going community education and awareness to prevent and address
threats to elder rights
threats to elder rights.
TEAS includes representatives from many
TEAS incudes representatives from many
organizations in our area, including: CSRA
organizations in our area, including: CSRA
Regional Commission Area Agency on
Regional Commission Area Agency on
Aging, AARP, Ombudsman Program,
Aging, AARP, Ombudsman Program,
Senior Citizens Council, Caring Together,
Senior Citizens Council, Adult Protective
Inc., Adult Protective Services, Georgia
Services, Georgia Division of Aging
Division of Aging Services Forensics Unit,
Services Forensics Unit, Safe Homes of
Safe Homes of Augusta, Law Enforcement,
Augusta, Law Enforcement, CSRA
CSRA Coalition of Advocates for the Aging,
Coalition of Advocates for the Aging,
Benton House of Augusta, Alzheimer’s
Benton House of Augusta, Alzheimer’s
Association, ResCare, Jud C Hickety Center,
Association, ResCare, Jud C. Hickey
Shiloh Comprehensive Community Center
Center, Shiloh Comprehensive Community
and Health Care Providers.
Center and Health Care Providers.
For more information or to become a partner, contact Jeanette
Cummings, or 706-210-2013