Page 38 - Central Savannah River Area - Seniors Resource Directory
P. 38



          In The


                               According  to  the  Center  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention,  each  year  millions  of
                               older people (65 years and older) will suffer a fall. One out of every five falls will lead to
                               broken bones or a head injury. For example, 95% of Hip Fractures are due to falls. Even
                               those individuals who do not sustain any injuries may become fearful of the possibility of
                               recurrent falls. This could lead to a decrease daily recreational and social activities, and
                               further weaken bones and muscles.

          There are several medical conditions that increase sus-  It  is  important  to  conserve  energy  throughout  the  day
       ceptibility to falls. These include vitamin deficiency, weak-  so not to become overly fatigued.  Avoid rushing through
       ness, poor balance or walking deficits, vision impairment,  tasks. Instead work at a steady pace with intermittent rest
       decreased foot sensation, and hazards around the home.  breaks. When performing daily activities such as cooking,
       Here are some recommendations for making your home a  laundry, or household cleaning, consider what activities
       safer environment:                               can be performed seated versus standing. For example,
       •  Remove  all  door  rugs  and  loose  cords  to  prevent   perform food preparation in a seated position and stand
           tripping. Tack down loose carpet edges.      when needed at the stove. It may be beneficial to have a
       • Be sure all areas are well lit. Consider the addition   chair at the bottom or top of stairs for rest breaks.
           of nightlights.                                 If a fall has occurred, be sure to notify a physician. Current-
       • Clear obstacles out of pathways, particularly from   ly, one in four older adults suffers a fall, yet less than 50%
           bedroom  to  bathroom. Consider  use  of  grab  bars    report it to a physician. Consider engaging in balance and
        and rails as needed for increased safety with   strengthening exercises through your community center
          transfers.                                    or through a local physical therapy clinic. Proper nutrition
       • Wear shoes with adequate traction and support.    and hydration is essential in maintaining overall health.
           Never walk in slippers or socks without grip assist   Remember, BE PROACTIVE TO PREVENT FALLS!

           on bottom of foot.                                           Provided By:
       • Take time to regain your balance when changing        Walton Rehabilitation Hospital,
          positions. Moving from lying down to sitting and     an affiliate of Encompass Health
          sitting to standing can cause orthostatic hypoten-      1355 Independence Drive,
           sion, creating dizziness and lightheadedness.
       • Have daily contact with a friend, neighbor, or family       Augusta, GA 30901
           member.                                                      706-724-7746
       • Keep prescriptions up to date, including glasses and
       • Take medications on time each day. Consult a phar-
          macist if you are experiencing side effects such as

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