Page 5 - Beaufort County Military and Veterans Resource Guide
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Table of                                                          Military     Veterans
                                                                          H H
                                                                             BEAUFORT COUNTYH H
        Contents                                                          H H RESOURCE gUIDE H H
                                                                          Helpful Information for Veterans and Their Families

         VETERAN AID AND RESOURCES                      4-19  TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF                 30-48
         Military and Veterans Service                   Birthing Center at Beaufort Memorial       33

              Alliance Mission Statement             5   Heroes on Horseback                                   39
                                                         Moral Injury ~ The Unrecognized Invisible
                                                            Wound from Military Service               40-41
                                                         Suicide Prevention                         42
                                                         NAMI Homefront Mental Health                       44

         South Carolina Equipment Distribution

              Program                                6
         US American Legion: Veterans Proudly
              Serving America for Nearly a Century    13
         Are you a Veteran or Spouse of a Veteran?   14
         Meet Your Local Centenarians &
              WWII Veterans                         16   MISCELLANEOUS
         Recruiting Offices and Local Bases            17-18  Honor Flight Network                  49

                                                         Wreaths Across America                     50

                                                         SC Military Base Task Force Economic Impact     50

                                                         We Are Online!                                     63

                                                         ENJOY LOCAL DISCOUNTS                        53-62

                                                             Hilton Head Island, Bluffton & Beaufort

                                                             Discount Coupons

         REINVENTING YOURSELF                         19-29

         Transitioning from Military to Civilian    20

         Redefining Your Mission: TCL’s Transitioning
              Military Training Program               22-23
                                                                                    Horses have  been  vital  to  the military  for thousands  of years.
                                                                                    Today, at Heroes on Horseback, we honor the
                                     MILITARYVETGUIDE.COM                           sacrifices of active-duty military and veterans and strive to make
                                                                                    a life changing impact by offering empowerment and healing
                                2022-23 Beaufort County Military & Veterans Resource Guide  through the power of the horse.
                                                                                    Our military-focused program is individually designed for
                     Published and distributed by SRD, LLC ©  .  PO Box 3368  Bluffton, SC 29910  .  843-901-1134
                                                                                    anyone who may benefit physically and/or emotionally from
                                                                                    low-impact equine activities.   3

                                                   | 843.757.5607 |
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