Page 12 - Wellness Event Brochure by Woman World Today
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It is a natural human experience to have both good days and other days when
everything seems more of a challenge.
Lack of sleep negatively impacts your optimal energy state and compounds
your stress.
It is worth knowing how to identify the triggers affecting your emotions that
lead to mood swings—also known as your highs and lows, these are the
triggers affecting your sleep.
Get physical. Stay alive!
Get Physical, dance, jog, run, and generally be active.
Physical activities help you relax. Activities such as dancing release chemicals
like dopamine and endorphins that are good for your mind and body.
Sometimes, expressing through your body is just the outlet you need to move
your stress level from 100 to 0.
Even walking for 30 minutes a day does wonders for your overall wellbeing.
Try taking a walk on your lunch break or after dinner to burn off extra calories
without having to break a sweat. Walking is especially beneficial as we age
since it is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints.
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